Prairie Woods

Co-President - Matthew Davis
324 Sherman St.
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Co-President - Bill Henke
962 South Shore Drive
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Vice President - Sally Hausken

Secretary/Treasurer/Dues Secretary - Dean Hendrickson

State Director - Open


  • Facilitate public discussions about water quality issues relating to agriculture and volunteer monitoring
  • Lend verbal support for community projects relating to the environment such as development, ATV/OHV issues, wetlands preservation, agricultural issues, etc.
  • Lend verbal support to Upstream Sucker Creek mineral springs in Detroit Lakes
  • Support Becker County as they develop a Forest Management Plan for dealing with Tax Forfeit Lands.
  • Development of the North Country Scenic Trail System that in Becker County
  • Proactive support for City recreation issues: city bike trail, development of Upstream Sucker Creek. Also legislative proactivity in northwest Minnesota's efforts to be full participants in Legacy Funds.

Dues: $66.00 Individual, $94 Family

Meetings:  3rd Monday, September - May, 7:00 PM., Detroit Lakes Public Library

Chapter Established: 1959
Date of last review or update: 12/12/2018